How Care Bonsai Tree Indoor-Beginners Guide

How Care Bonsai Tree Indoor-Beginners Guide

 Most people prefer to keep their Bonsai tree indoors, this is perfectly fine as long as you select the right tree species. Only tropical and sub tropical tree species can survive the indoor climate, which is relatively warm and has a low humidity. So let's take a look at what tree species are suitable for indoor Bonsai. There are several tree species that can be kept indoor, but by far the most common (and the easiest to care for) is the Ficus Bonsai.

 The ficus is to learn t to low humidity and can with stand quite a lot. A good choice for beginners. Other tree species that can be kept indoor, include the Jade tree, the Serengeti, and the Carmona, which is also known as the Fukien Tea.

 how do care for an indoor Bonsai tree? 

First, make sure that you know exactly what tree species you have, and look it up on our for In general, make sure to water your tree regularly:

 Important Things for Care Bonsai Tree Indoor 

keep it moist, but never wet. Also make sure that the tree has enough light, so put it at a very bright position, for example at a window facing the south. Don't water on a routine; only water when you see that the tree needs it, but if you water, do it thoroughly. If possible, place the tree on a humidity tray filled with water, to increase the humidity. To summarize; when you want to grow Bonsai indoor, make sure to select the right tree specie, and look up the guidelines for that exact tree-species 


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