How to Care Bonsai Tree-Bonsai Tree Care Tips

 How to Care Bonsai tree - Bonsai Tree Care Tips


How to Care Indoor Bonsai Tree , Plants 

 Bonsai trees are different from other indoor plants, because they are planted in small and shallow pots. This also means that Bonsai trees don't have much reserves in terms of water and nutrients. Frequent watering, fertilizing and re potting are the most important things to keep in mind when you get a Bonsai tree. 

But first, make sure that you know exactly what tree species you have, And look up the care The care for a Juniper is very different from t he care for a Ficus tree, for example. The most important care technique, is watering. How often you need to water your Bonsai tree, depends on several factors, including the tree species, climate, the soil you use and the size of the pot. Observe your tree carefully, and make sure that it never (ever!) dries out completely. On the other hand, you don't want to make the roots rot because you over-water it. Re potting your Bonsai tree is also necessary, about once every two years. Although this depends on your cir cum stances. Since Bonsai trees are put in such small pots,

 How to Fertilizing Bonsai tree 

regular fertilizing is very important. Fertilizing Bonsai trees can be done with liquid fertilizer, or an organic and/or solid fertilizer. information about Bonsai care. To conclude, although Bonsai is an ancient art-form, this doesn't mean that you can't grow a Bonsai tree. Make sure to select the right tree species, 


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